(The consequent is a talk understood from a made-up TV musical of an interrogatory near two witches).

Happy Halloween to all our friends out there! I rumination it may well be enlightening to interrogatory two actual witches nowadays and get the serving spoon on this record spook-tacular of holidays!

We see them on TV shows, publication in the region of them in books, but not often get an opportunity to sit
down and cooperate to two effective witches! What is a definite enchantress all about?

To facilitate us reply these questions, and more, I am charmed to educate the first of our two realistic witches, Mrs. Sara Goodspell!

Thank you for self next to us present nowadays Sara. Is location a witching christen you would like I phone you?

Sara- "No, Sara is what my friends telephony me. Thank You for attractive me, I am so healthy to be present today at this amazing instance of yr to statement all your questions!"

You name yourself a witch. Are you a white witch, or a dark witch?

Sara- "Well, You see, There truly is no such resolution amongst witches. We have lone one rule, to do as we wish, but to injury no in doing so. We deem that doesn't matter what we do, good enough or bad, will flood back upon us and we will be command accountable for it. So, even yet these seem suchlike to a fault simple notions, they stop any occultist add up to even considering harming other being or item.

(Unable to include herself any longer, onto the stand strides the ordinal of the two tangible witches, in satisfied regalia, peninsula aflutter, force waving !)

Hagitha- "There are TWO witches here today! And you haven't asked me my opinion! Hail and Greetings to all, I am Lady Hagitha High Priestess of Covenpot of the patrimonial rank of Covenpots! Fourth point Wiccanerian! Also certain as the Great White Witch of Covenpot!

And, yes, in my frequent age experience, and having go from an long, long-lasting queue of famous Covenpots, I wouldn't habit my Craft close to any person who would not tell herself a white witch! Who knows what she may do... if anything at all!"

Well, treatment Hagitha, it is a pleasure to have you with us today!

Hagitha- "That's Lady Hagitha to you, muggle!"

Excuse me, Lady Hagitha. So, you say in that is a big disparity involving witches? That is interesting! But let's determination on. (Turning to Sara.) Let's articulate in the region of any of the tools of the Craft. I see you have brought your baton beside you present. Could you william tell us a bit in the region of it?

Sara- "My baton money so more to me! It is a instrument to minister to engrossment and jut out over my dynamism. This one is a easy rod from a popular woody plant in my yard, I...."
Hagitha- "YOU appreciably wouldn't cognize a baton if it hit you on the head! THAT hold fast isn't a wand! A wand must be the meticulous physical property of your forearm, cubital joint to fingertip, and must be made of outstanding lumber harvested on the darkness of the Full Moon. My wand is a actual wand, a gift from the High Druid of Covenpotshire in England, a comparative of excavation you know! Ha! To imagine you would daring try to cast a enchantment near that twig!"
I would liking to hang on a solid wizard wand, Lady Hagitha, may I?

Hagitha- "Humpf! Don't you touch it! You'll grime it! If you knew anything, you wouldn't challenge touch a witches' tools!

I am remorseful to have pained you, M'am.

Sara- " You are invited to grip hole in the ground. When we fee our wands, we can fix the sparkle so that everybody can grip it next to no mar. Go ahead, have a shrimpy fun and elasticity it a moving ridge if you like!"

Thank You Sara!

I see that You, (Sara) are wearying so much what I would judge anyone else on the boulevard to be tiring. Aren't you understood to wear dark robes, and a pentagram? What in the region of the similes we universally see on television?

Sara- " Wearing achromatic is a own choice for witches. I tough grind in a medical office, so excursion from a few pieces of discreet magical jewelry, I deterioration routine clothes, retributory like you! A witch is not taken up near others wise to who she is and what she does, so she can wear whatever she likes. You may have some witches true in your own neighbourhood and ne'er even cognise it!"

Hagitha- "Well, I would! If they were factual withes, that is! Where is her pentagram! ( As she holds up the 6" solidified metallic pentacle lifeless by a secure that would have been more at residence lifeless upon the burdened real meaning Bob Marley!) A unadulterated near would with pride wear her robes, hike precise into the bosses place of business and let him know that it is my right! What do I thinking what others think! I am a witch, so what if they do not same it! She doesn't even gawk similar a valid witch! What level are you... 1st magnitude of the lady of the house tradition? I contemplate we all cognise who the authentic enchantress is here today! Boy, aren't you pleased you didn't just summons her!"

One finishing question for you present. Sara, what does Halloween aim to you as a witch?

Hagitha- (Leaning backbone in her seat next to a smile on her facade) "I cannot break to perceive this!"

Sara- " Halloween, or what a number of telephone call Samhain, after the old Celtic holiday, is the concluding yield of the time period. This is the case of time period when I excogitate on what I have harvested by my actions and thoughts of the past time period. I will class what requests to be exchanged and how I have mature.
Hagitha- " Excuse me! This is a big revered day, not whichever sweet munching, teeth rotten instance to clothing up approaching an angel! Ritual, ritual, ritual! That is what makes a witch! Where are the candles, the incense, and the altar? Meditate! Humpf!
Well, Unfortunately, that is all the circumstance we have for today. I would similar to to give thanks you both for winning the juncture out of your drudging schedules to be here , and we will a Happy Halloween to you both!

Sara- 'Thank You!"

Hagitha- "That's Samhain! I don't observe your cockeyed holidays!"

The just of the chronicle is that at hand is genuinely just one way to learn, and that is by sampling.

That sampling may be of what to do, or, unfortunately, what not to do.
What we are testing to larn is the sense to tell the difference, and that is a deeply of our own situation learned, all on his own ended incident.
This romance was not expected to offend, or to substantiate that I one-sidedly judge, or even sound off the ways of officially old-world witches or any of the multitudinous of opposite forms of the Craft human being expert nowadays.

The spike I am hard to sort is that at hand truly is no perfectly or untrue way to habit. In fact, most of us are a conglobation of many crafts, ways and traditions, melded both to comprise for each, a new and significantly person-to-person course.

Isn't that why oodles of us have finished up here in the first place?
Even as I have honorable alluded to the information that we may have a feeling that we are on a selective broadside of the proverbial fence, we must evoke that we all have our judgments (or is it much politically true to say "preferences") of right and inaccurate ways and routine.

The complicated subdivision is putting these departure from the subject and recognizing the Divine precise in all human and to hold that all is on a path that is unquestionably immaculate for them at this clip and in this point. I close to to have an idea that of the Path as a ringlike one, you may be in the lead of another, but are basically as for sure astern causal agency else! It matters not what we have an idea that of any person else's' steps, or how we would chose to totter them otherwise.
One of the things that I have harvested this year, is the practice of how and how often, I sort out others. It is something that we all cognise we shouldn't do, but from time to time bask admitting to active in.

So, I have reaped the education of my own judgment, and will use it sow the seeds that will swivel it external onto my same. I perceive that it will do much suitable there, and give support to me to weed out that which does not dollop my absolute good, and the maximal redeeming of all!
So Mote it Be!
May all your witches be solid witches, Bright Blessings & Happy Holidays!

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